Friendship among student midwives can be hard to find at first but even introverts need friends in their corner, Here is where to find them.
Ashley No Comment Connections, Friends, Student Midwife
Friendship among student midwives can be hard to find at first but even introverts need friends in their corner, Here is where to find them.
Ashley No Comment organize, paperwork, Preceptor, School, Student Midwife
When you think about being a student midwife, organization does not typically come to mind but it should. We dream about catching babies, palpating tummies and sweet newborn toes. What we do not dream about is the piles of paperwork that log every. single. thing. we. do. This is why we need organization. The amount
Ashley No Comment Friends, On call, Preceptor, Self-care, Student Midwife
Midwives and students alike preach self-care to their clients every single day but do we practice what we preach? Burnout is too common in midwifery.
Ashley 3 Comments Bullying, Preceptor, Student Midwife
Most preceptors are not abusers, but some midwives abuse their students, are you being abused? Find out if you are and what your options are.
Ashley 2 Comments Cost, Equipment, Preceptor, School, Student Midwife, Transportation
The cost of being a student midwife can add up fast. How much money it takes to go through midwifery school/apprenticeship varies greatly by many factors including gas, fees, school costs, food, etc. Midwifery school and apprenticeship takes up a lot of time and money So before you enroll in school or start to apprentice