My tongue tie revision was yesterday.
This blog post is NOT from yesterday. It is from my personal notes the day after my tongue tie revision in October of 2017. Enough people have asked about my journey that I decided to upload it for you. Read part one and part two to catch up on my miracle!
If your life was changed yesterday what would you do today?
Me? I would tell everyone about it! Here we go.
So here we are at day 2 post tongue tie revision
Are you ready? I was not.
From constant head ache all day, every day to no head pain since the procedure. NO HEADACHES AT ALL! This is amazing seeing as how after lunch I usually have to distract myself hard from the extremely painful afternoon headaches.
My shoulders are loose and I feel more relaxed. The tightness in my body that was there yesterday morning is now no longer there.
My jaw feels relaxed and my TMJ is not as bad as it was. It has only been one day though. I’m hopeful that it will get even better as time passes.
I woke up every 2.5 hours last night to do the stretches. Without even getting out of bed. Was
just like waking to nurse baby.
Does it hurt?
The burning question everyone wants to know. It doesn’t hurt at all. My tongue is a little swollen though but again, not painful. From being swollen my “S” sound sounds funny.
I can move my tongue all over the place but sometimes it feels like there is an air bubble under it… which feels weird.
In the photo below you will see what my tongue looks like here at 1 day post op. It looks a little like a diamond, as it should and you can see that the wound is not flush with the outside of my tongue. So when I have my tongue flat in my mouth air gets trapped in that “hole.” Hints the air bubble feeling.

But… Can You Eat?
I’ve been able to eat anything and everything from Chick-fil-a to Rice Krispy treats to chocolate and chips and salsa. In other words, I’ve had zero restrictions to my diet.
What About The Stretches?
The stretching exercises don’t hurt at all. I feel pressure but it is not painful. So far I would recommend this 100%. Even if you feel like you have zero mouth issues you may still benefit from this being done. I did NOT have any mouth issues (except TMJ and it didn’t bother me). ALL of my signs and symptoms were head and neck related.
This is why when I talk about tongue tie revisions with my midwifery clients I let them know that it was painless. It tends to help ease their fears about having the procedure done with their babies.
Babies do tend to cry when you are performing the stretches in their mouths. I believe for most babies that they are just upset that you are sticking your fingers into their mouths, going under their tongues and messing with them. Try doing the stretches on a baby without a revision and they cry as well.
**I’m sure for some babies there is pain. There is no way for me to know for sure.
Ready for my one week post revision update? Read it here at “My Adult Tongue Tie Revision
Pt. 4″
Or read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.