The water birth of Yulia was a truly special day.
A lot of mother’s question if they are truely in labor and Katia was one of them. After deep cleaning their house, Katia still was not sure if she was in labor but she called her midwives anyway. We sure are glad she did! Watch as Katia tells her special water birth story without getting tears in your eyes, I dare you.
“Out of my three births this was probably the second hardest birth… but being in the comfort of my own home and having the freedom to labor in any position I wanted, it still… hands down was an amazing experience.
I was having contractions for what felt like weeks, if not months. So on July 28th, when I was having contractions all day long, it wasn’t anything new. For the longest time I was in denial that I was actually in labor.
Due to the nuchal hand and asynclinic baby, I had one heck of a labor ahead of me.”
Watch the video for the full birth story!
To watch the whole story click here.
The parents are still editing their birth video, once it is finished I will upload it here too so you can watch the birth story and the birth video. I know I’ll be crying!
All photos taken by Katia’s husband, E&K Photography. Schedule your prenatal and family photographs with them through the link above.
To schedule your free consultation to talk about your next home or birth center water birth, contact Fort Worth Midwifery today.